Everyday You're Closer To Achieving Your Goals
Designed to support your future aspirations, the Nations Salary Saver account offers access to tailored financial solutions with exclusive features as you advance in your career. Every day brings you closer to your goals, and as your salary grows, you'll have the opportunity to join a world of exclusive benefits as an esteemed member of our Inner Circle or Private Banking.
Pre-approved overdraft facility
Maximum limits for Personal Loans with preferential rates
No minimum balance maintenance requirement for the account
Internet and mobile banking facilities from balance inquiries to utility bill payments- anytime, anywhere
Be a Sri Lankan National over 18 years, holding a valid NIC
An employee currently earning a salary of LKR 20,000/- or above
A contributor to the EPF fund, and/or a qualified professional
Non-national residing in Sri Lanka with valid resident Visa
Key Facts Document (English / Sinhala / Tamil)
Terms & Conditions (English / Sinhala / Tamil)
*All credit facilities are subject to verification
How to get started
Application Form
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