On Environmental Stewardship (SDG 13, 14, and 15), bank pursues action on below areas:
- Biodiversity Research and Education
- Direct Conservation Efforts (Reforestation, Species Conservation including Animal Hospital and Rescue Service at Hiyare)
- Climate Action
- Circular Economy and Responsible Waste Management
Our Initiatives
Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka (WNPS) enables nature lovers to gain knowledge about the environment through monthly public lectures and Publications namely Loris, Warana /Varanam and The Jungle Telegraph periodicals.
- Animal Hospital
We commenced this project in 2008 as part of the bank’s CSR initiatives in partnership with the Galle Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The project is centric to the Hiyare Rainforest; a scenic 600-acre tropical forest situated in southern Sri Lanka giving home to several rare, endemic species of fauna and flora. The hospital consists of an operating theatre and other facilities to treat ailing and wounded wild animals in the Hiyare forest and bordering areas. This is the first wild animal hospital managed by a private organization in Sri Lanka. The hospital treats about 40 animals monthly. Nations Trust Bank is funding to cover the cost of medicines, food, Veterinary charges, salaries of the rescue staff and transport of this Animal hospital.
- Research Center
Banks' partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society of Galle (WCSG) also provides ongoing funding for biodiversity conservation research and publications, as well as other programs aimed at raising awareness about biodiversity conservation. Education programs (lectures, workshops, and exhibitions for schoolchildren and university students), Bio diversity evaluation projects, and Sites or species targeted conservation programs are examples of these. The Galle Wildlife Conservation Society collaborates closely with the Forest Department and the Wildlife Department on these projects and research.
- Wilpattu Reforestation Project
Nations Trust Bank collaborated with the Sri Lanka Army to reforest eight acres of land near the Wilpattu National Park. The initiative commenced on October 18th with a tree planting exercise supported by the Sri Lanka Army and over 100 Nations Trust Bank representatives. Priyantha Talwatte, then-Deputy CEO of Nations Trust Bank, had the honor of planting the first tree. This reforestation project was one of many carried out as part of Nations Trust Bank's 20th anniversary celebrations. The bank is dedicated to building a more sustainable future and has implemented a plan to transform its entire business towards a more sustainable and carbon-conscious operation.
- Mangrove Planting Project -Kalpitiya
As part of the Bank's 20th anniversary celebrations, Branch Managers and staff from our Emerging Zones planted 1100 Mangrove and Mudilla plants in Kudawa, Kalpitiya in 2019. Mangroves are of paramount importance to an island like Sri Lanka as they protect against violent storm surges and floods. Additionally, it contributes to the fight against global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the majority of which is stored within the plant.
- Let’s get growing
“Let’s Get Growing” project was launched by Nations Trust Bank to promote the ‘home garden’ concept and has been embraced as their own by the Banks employees and families. The project was initiated to support the national aspiration to increase green cover in Sri Lanka, and a majority of the Bank’s employees have committed to growing a native plant at their residences, with many of them choosing fruits and herbs. The interest amongst employees has been so high, that over 770 members joined the special Facebook group created for the campaign, sharing their planting stories, with tips and ‘hacks’ for fellow planters. Of the 2,900 members of staff at Nation’s Trust Bank 2,700 have already collected saplings. The Bank has expressed its open support for anyone who needs support in this programme that augurs well for environmental sustainability and the emotional wellbeing of people coming out of a challenging year.
- Collaboration with Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform
We have entered into an agreement with Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform to restore an extent of 10h.a degraded fern land in HalgahawalaOpatha to a functional protected forest over a period of 5 years under the guidance of the Forest Department and the technical expertise of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Objective of this project is to support the initiative of Biodiversity Sri Lanka to create a biodiversity credit accrual system for the country.
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